Along the beach is one of the newly opened beach . The name " All" is given as the hallmark of this beach which has the longest coastline among all the beaches in Gunung Kidul . This beach is very natural atmosphere . Decorated shoreline vegetation and palm -roofed huts of dried leaves . Corals in coastal tidal areas still maintained . Still pounding waves reflect blue sea water mark that has not been contaminated . With the atmosphere , it is not wrong if the local government and investors plan to make this beach as the second Kuta Beach .
Natural atmosphere is what makes the beach along over Kuta Beach . Throughout does not offer things like a cliché beach cafe and luxury cottages , but a closeness with nature . The proof , you will still be able to search the cliffs to find various types of shellfish ( molluscs ) and starfish ( Echinodermata ) . You 'll also be able to find a limpet on the rocks around the beaches and uprooted seaweed embedded . Of course , being careful not imbedded sea urchin spines . Obviously not you , you would not see at Kuta Beach ?
Culture coastal communities are still very strong . There is no permanent building on the beach , just a few huts inhabited by local communities . Still on the beach , there is a field that is used to grow soybean population . Sloping beach and directly exposed to the waves caused no fishing population . When looking back , it would seem that two hill slope was used locals to grow maize as a staple food source . Land at the top of the hill has been purchased by an investor to build a villa which hopes to use as tourist accommodation .
Throughout also has historic sites , namely Banyusepuh . " Banyu " means water and " elderly" means a wash. As the name implies , a place that had a spring is used to wash or bathe . Users are supposedly the guardians who usually wash their inheritance . This site will not be known to exist if they are not asked to locals . When YogYES see , the site is only a puddle of dry overgrown .
Tired , then the rest . Huts at the seaside residents typically used to sell food and beverages in case sufficient to remove the hunger and thirst . Provided lincak (seating is composed of bamboo ) to have a chat and enjoy the beach breeze . YogYES feel how cool shade under the hut . When dusk arrives , look to the west to witness the departure of the sun . Although there has been no villa , but the locals are pretty open when there stay .
Problem by - by to go home , visitors do not need to search for spinning . Is not souvenirs do not have to always be in the form of food ? Some residents who live a few miles of the coast has been making crafts made from shellfish shells are then marketed by coastal residents . Although not sekomersil in Malaysia , crafts made by residents were varied . There is a carriage -shaped creations , the puppets , barong , pinching, or are simply dried and buried in the sand . Some of these are simple painted using paint . The price is cheap , only Rp 5,000 per seed .
Prices are cheap does not mean craft low value . Crafts made from molluscs actually have great historical value . If you ever read a book or article on Conchology , you will know that the craft is most high cultural forms that thrive in coastal communities . The people of Hawaii in the United States , the Melanesian Islands , or the Maori in New Zealand to develop a similar craft . They were stringing shellfish shells into necklaces , skirts , belts , to sculpt and paint became all-powerful art .
If the money in the wallet is tight , visitors can collect shells on the beach. This small object can be a prize draw when further processing . Take a few pieces of shell still intact then insert in a plastic bag . At home , buy tobacco or mint and mix with 90 % alcohol . After a day soaked overnight , grab the shell and rub gently . The move will eliminate a layer of chalk on the shell leaving just the middle layer only ( prismatic layer ) . Rubbing will make the colors more brilliant shell .
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